Cody Denton - Reference Information
Why this Site?
A Few Simple Rules
The Characters
Cody Denton
Cody's Description
Cody's Ref Sheet
Turner Craig
Turner's Description
Turner's Ref Sheet
Joseph Denton
Joseph's Description
Joseph's Ref Sheet
Reference Library
Western Clothing & Boots
Biker Clothing & Gear
Tutorials: Drawing Cowboy Boots and Hats
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Contact Cody
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This field is pretty self-explanatory. You can use your legal name or your "fan name," whichever you prefer.
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I hate spam as much as you do. You have my absolute promise not to share or sell your email address. I'm a gentleman cowboy, and I do have morals...
If your address has a typo in it, it's going to be rather hard for me to reply.
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Your Question or Comment
Please give me as much detail as possible about why you are writing. I'm a writer but not a mind-reader. :-)